Southern California Waste Management Forum
Each year The Forum hosts at least three informative events.
These events are open to all members of the Forum and the public who are interested in learning about the major waste management issues confronting our communities.

A half-day Spring Conference usually takes place in March. This event features presentations in a variety of formats on issues that are of concern to the broad spectrum of members. At each Mini-conference, members hear a presentation on the state of current regulations and legislation that may impact the State’s waste managers.

The Annual Business Meeting will be held in May this year. At this meeting members elect Directors to replace those whose term expires on June 30th, and vote to accept a budget for the coming fiscal year. After the formal meeting, an expert in matters of current interest to Forum members makes a presentation and responds to questions and comments from members.

Annual Conference & Exhibit
A full-day Conference and Exhibit, usually held in November, rounds out the year’s events. The organizers select topics and speakers who will present a variety of viewpoints relating to a general theme. There are multiple sessions in the morning, and a general session in the afternoon. Throughout the Conference, attendees may visit the Exhibits set up by various vendors, professional consultants and governmental agencies.